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BLACK STUFF is the missing part of our diet - in the form of a food supplement. BLACK STUFF balances our body, removing harmful substances from the body and at the same time helping the body absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals better. BLACK STUFF is nature's own creation that circulates through the soil's life cycle to feed soil microbes and the right bacteria, binding trace elements at the cellular level in an easily accessible form.
Research results have shown that BLACK STUFF is one of the strongest known antioxidants and is a very important part of our diet.
BLACK STUFF helps keep the intestinal microbial environment in balance and creates conditions for better absorption and administration of nutrients, antioxidants, fatty acids and minerals at the cellular level.
Trinero consists of cannabinoids + polyphenols + fulvic acid + humic acid.
Trinero is designed for those who want to enhance the effects of cannabinoids with Black Stuff. By combining the two, they support each other and the effects you feel are stronger than when consumed separately. In addition to the effects of Black Stuff, customers have noticed that Trinero:
Reduces stress
Improves sleep
Restores appetite
Our food is not what it was 20 years ago. Modern farming practices have stripped the humus from our soil. As a result, animals and humans no longer get sufficient amounts of humic substances in their normal diet. In the absence of these substances, the body is unable to nourish itself effectively with vitamins and minerals. This can lead to a variety of health problems.
Studies have estimated that if the percentage of humic substances in the soil falls below 2%, the soil cannot provide the necessary amount to living organisms through crops. The humus percentage is, for example, 0.4% in India, 0.6% in Mexico and 1.6-1.9% on average in Europe.
Today we face lifestyle diseases. It's a fact! A typical western lifestyle with processed foods, lack of wholesome healthy foods, over-reliance on drugs and antibiotics, frequent use of alcohol and drugs, environmental pollution,
overtraining and high emotional and/or physical stress generate free radicals that should be eliminated from the body.
The phenols in Black Stuff (11454mg/100g) contain a large amount of antioxidants that protect both cell membranes and cell membrane receptors, neutralizing free radicals and at the same time regulating oxidative stress.
Our current dilemma is comparable to a three-legged tool, the well-known and familiar vitamins and minerals are two legs. Without the third leg, i.e. plant phytochemicals, this three-legged chair cannot stand upright and disturbs the delicate balance of nature. Phytochemicals strengthen the immune and hormonal systems and are a missing part of our diet - which many clearly experience when serious and varied health problems emerge. BLACK STUFF is the third leg that we need to connect to our lifestyle so that our bodies can stay healthy and balanced.
BLACK STUFF consists of a patented substance - HUFULAC®, which is a natural compound of fruit and chaga extract, which contains a large amount of humic and fulvic acids as well as polyphenols (as much as 11454mg/100g!)
Phenols contain many antioxidants, protecting both cell membranes and cell membrane receptors, neutralizing free radicals and at the same time regulating oxidative stress.
As there are people, there are also different consumption, eating and exercise habits, and because of this, the effects you feel from Black Stuff are different for each person. Accordingly, we cannot promise anyone concrete results, but the main noticeable changes for consumers have been that Black Stuff:
Gives the body extra energy.
Alleviates sleep disorders.
Reduces joint pain.
Alleviates skin problems.
Improves the work of the digestive system.
Stabilizes blood sugar.
Stabilizes the level of iron in the body.
Increases resistance to diseases.
Accelerates the healing of injuries.
Helps to recover faster from training.
We use the word "may" very purposefully. It's not a drug, it's a supplement, and because of that, we can't claim that Black Stuff does one or the other. :)
The 90-day course should be repeated 2-3 times a year. This is the minimum time it takes for one of the body's most important cells, erythrocytes, to fully regenerate.
However, since we live in a modern environment and are surrounded by many harmful substances, such as toxic gases and pollution particles in the streets and the over-processed food we consume, we believe that BLACK STUFF should be part of our daily lives. With our current daily diet, we cannot absorb enough polyphenols, humic acid and fulvic acid to ensure the full functioning of the chemical processes in our body.
Since each person's blood count is different, we cannot promise definite results or the absence of possible side effects. The body's cleansing action can bring out bumps on the face and neck, indicating the cleansing process - one of the body's ways of expelling toxins. If bumps appear, continue the course with the same amount or reduce the amount by half. The bumps that appear are normal and will disappear when the body has mostly been freed from toxins. BLACK STUFF strengthens the "good" microbes in the body while crowding out the "bad" ones. While the digestive system is getting back into balance, you may experience diarrhea at first, which is normal and passes within a few days.
BLACK STUFF does not cause allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock or embryotoxic properties in combination with other drugs.
TRINERO is not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers, people with heart problems and people using antidepressants due to the content of hemp tea.
We often talk about the benefits of Black Stuff to the microbiome, the balance there, and that many things start there. But what exactly is it?
The microbiome is a "newly discovered organ" because its existence was not widely recognized until the late 90s when Joshua Lederberg named it and pointed out the significant importance of the microorganisms inhabiting the human body to human health.
The largest number of microorganisms are in the human digestive tract, where its composition is influenced by age, genetics, lifestyle, medications, diseases, diet, etc. The microbiome is a collection of genetic information of human microorganisms that live with a person and do not cause illness when in balance.
The human body contains more than ten times more microbial cells than the human body's own cells. However, the weight of the microbiome is only 1-3 kg, depending on the person.
The normal microbial community in the gastrointestinal tract is diverse and balanced. Various gastrointestinal diseases are associated with the imbalance of the microbial community, for example: ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, allergies, and other chronic diseases.
Additionally, obesity and microbiome diversity, which largely results from dietary diversity, have been found to be strongly linked.
During the experiments, samples of the gut microflora community were taken from overweight and thin identical twins, and significant differences in their composition were found. Obesity has been associated with differences at the microflora level and significantly reduced bacterial diversity.
The most important aspect of the microbiome in medicine may be its potential impact on autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, autoimmune uveitis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and possibly a role in the development of some cancers. Some microbes can also alter neurotransmitters in the brain, so we can use them to provide relief from schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, and other neurochemical imbalances.
Traditionally, the immune system is viewed as a complex collection of organs, tissues, cells, and molecules that work together to eliminate pathogens.
Traditionally, the immune system is viewed as a complex collection of organs, tissues, cells, and molecules that work together to eliminate pathogens.
For example, type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease that is correlated with many contributing factors. These factors may include abnormalities in the gut microflora, a leaky gut mucosal barrier, or intrinsic differences in the immune response. Several animal models of diabetes show the role of bacteria in the manifestation of the disease.
DNA sequencing of the gut microflora community of healthy children and children with autoimmune disease has found several differences in their microbiome. Autoimmune children have a more unstable microbiome compared to healthy children, with significantly reduced species diversity.
After four years of using Black Stuff, a microbiome study showed that the person's gut had twice as many different types of bacteria as the average person. In addition, bacteria were found that are not typical of the western diet, but instead of the natives living in the Amazon rainforest. In addition, this means that the substances in Black Stuff create an environment in the gut where vital bacteria can survive that would otherwise be unable to survive in today's lifestyle.
Maintaining the abundance and balance of the microbiome is extremely important. Often the symptom is not bloating or abdominal pain, but instead some other health problem that is not initially associated with the digestive system. Your health problems can also be related to the microbiome. Try Black Stuff and see for yourself!