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3x Happy Tummy prebiootikum lastele

Original price was: 132,00 €.Current price is: 125,00 €.


Magusa amps ja looduslik toidulisand üheskoos. Black Stuff looduslik prebiootiline toidulisandi pulber on kokku pandud tervisliku koostisega trühvli sisse, et meeldida ka meie kõige noorematele klientidele. Black Stuff tasakaalustab meie organismi, viies kehast välja toksiine, aidates samal ajal organismil vajalikke vitamiine ja mineraale paremini omastada.
Prebiootilised omadused aitavad tasakaalustada mikrobioomi tööd tagades seeläbi parem seedimise ja üldise tervisliku heaolu.

Happy Tummy is designed for both young and old, but it is especially suitable for bringing balance to the body of people with picky taste and a monotonous menu.

Users have noticed the following changes after completing the course:

  • More energy and stamina
  • Less joint and muscle pain
  • Faster recovery from training and injuries
  • Improved and more regular digestion
  • Less illness during the virus period
  • Effective and fast recovery from stronger treatment courses (antibiotic, chemical treatment, etc.).

Try it and see for yourself the effect of prebiotics! 😊



Dates, flax flour, cacao, pine bark and birch chaga extract (75% fulvic and 25% humic acid)

1 truffle per day.
The package includes 30 servings (1 month supply)

To achieve the best result, use Black Stuff for a 90 day period.


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