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3x Black Balance prebiootiline täiendsööt hobustele

Original price was: 195,00 €.Current price is: 179,00 €.


Black Stuff on toonud turule hobuste täiendsööda Black Balance.  Maiused on heaks kiitnud ka tuntud Läti veterinaarid Nauris Laizans ja Dana Laizane Läti Maaülikoolist.
Nauris: "I give cookies to my dog, and as a veterinarian, I recommend giving Black Balance to support your pet's health as well."

  • Improves the functioning of the stomach and intestinal microbiome work
  • Improves the absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract
  • Removes heavy metals and free radicals from the body

Veterinarians at the Latvian University of Life Sciences' horse clinic are testing the product for the prevention and treatment of gastric ulcer syndrome in horses. Initial results are good and show significant improvement and even complete healing of squamous and glandular gastric ulcers after a 3-month period.

Nagu näete, on Black Balance just see, mida vajate oma lemmikloomale – seega tellige kohe! 🛒



Rye bran, rye flour, oat flakes, water, sugar, lignosulfonate (obtained from black pine and wood containing humic and fulvic acids)

No added flavors, fragrances, or preservatives. Product is fully vegan.

Recommended amount is 1 cookie 3 times a day.
One package contains 90 cookies, 30-day supply.
To achieve the best result, use Black Stuff for a 90 day period.


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