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Are you happy or sad? Gut health affects our mood more than you might think

If one has not experienced depression or anxiety herself, she may think that these are first world problems; there were no depressions when it came to cutting down trees and milking cows. Crazy, yes in a way, comments like this are sometimes right.

Mental health problems are modern problems. But they are often not caused by the abundance of choices in life, the pressures of getting successful or the media, or other external issues. Very often, and to a greater extent, this is an internal matter - more specifically, an intestinal matter. What we have in our gut affects whether we are happy or sad, content or anxious.

Intestine - those other "brains"

The health of our intestines, bacterial strains of the intestine and their well-being all play a crucial role in the functioning of the brain and nervous system. About 90% of the hormone serotonin is produced in our intestines if our intestines and bacteria are functioning normally. The intestine, in addition to the brain, is one of the major nerve centers in our body, and is linked to the brain via the vagus nerve. For example, if there is an inflammatory condition in the intestine, the brain receives a message through the circulatory nerve, neuropeptides and neurotransmitters secreted by the intestine, and responds by releasing more inflammatory and stress hormones and neurotransmitters that aggravate the negative cycle. This reaction pulls the mood to the ground and, when chronic, can lead to long-term depression.

How can the well-being of the gut and the mind be improved?

Intestinal bacteria play a key role in the well-being of our gut and our mind. Often this is thought to mean that large quantities of lactic acid bacteria or PRObiotics in the form of cultured (sour) products and bacterial supplements would have to be poured there. However, if the intestine suffers for example of inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, Crohn's disease or celiac disease result, the solution is not to push the lactic acid bacteria there. In fact, it is often harmful to the above-mentioned cases, because if the small intestine mucosa is thinned out or damaged, the bacteria can enter the blood stream with unpredictable consequences. Instead, the root cause of the problem should be tackled, which is to eliminate substances that cause problems, such as gluten first, artificial sweeteners, homogenized milk and chemicals used in the food industry such as thickeners / emulsifiers

Bad out – good in!

Instead of eating microwave meals and fast food, you should eat a rich variety of vegetables and a diet high in raw fat and protein. Always prefer butter and cream, rather than artificially sweetened light products or light margarines, and vegetables, roots and berries, rather than wheat, sugar and other yummi-gummi nonsense, and fresh, home-cooked fish and meat rather than processed products.

In addition, substances that support the health of the intestinal tract and the well-being of the bacterial strain should be added. These substances are called PREbiotics and include many fiber-rich nutrients and nutritional supplements, as well as "the missing link" – polyphenolic humic substances such as Black Stuff Theoretically, the same substances could be obtained by drinking humus-rich water from marshes and forest ponds, but to obtain the same amounts of active substances and without the risk of bacterial and parasitic contamination, it should be consumed daily by bucketfuls. Maybe not a very practical idea

Once the intestine has been calmed down by removing its irritants from the diet and adding humic/prebiotic substances, it is only at this stage that you should introduce lactic acid bacterial products if you feel you need them at all anymore. If the above changes are not made, ingestion of bacterial supplements is only a vague patch treatment of the symptom and not a remedy for the root cause of the problem.

Getting on the right track

If you have been suffering from depression, anxiety or similar problems and have had problems with your gut at the same time, monitor your mental condition as your gut condition improves while enjoying Black Stuff. Does life make more sense? Or do you feel "normal"? We hope you can answer these questions after a few months of Black Stuff. In fact, we hear this all the time. People with a history of gut problems come telling us how wonderful they feel now mentally as well. Go on, try it for yourself.

We donate 0,50€ from each order to the NGO Estonian Forest Aid

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