49,00 €
Dates, flax flour, cacao, pine bark and birch chaga extract (75% fulvic and 25% humic acid)
1 truffle per day.
The package includes 30 servings (1 month supply)
To achieve the best result, use Black Stuff for a 90 day period.
Happy Tummy is designed for both young and old, but it is especially suitable for bringing balance to the body of people with picky taste and a monotonous menu.
Users have noticed the following changes after completing the course:
Happy Tummy is not a medicine or a miracle worker - it is part of a healthy lifestyle and does not replace a varied diet. Better digestion and general well-being are also supported by an active lifestyle, good sleep, healthy diet and consistent healthy choices.
Find more information about Happy Tummy:
Try it and see for yourself the effect of prebiotics! 😊
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